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James Goodlatte

James Goodlatte has followed his true passion and calling as a professional, giving him more than 15 years of experience developing corrective exercise programs.
James graduated with a Kinesiology degree in 1999 and has numerous advanced qualifications including “Postural Alignment Specialist,” “Integrated Flexibility Specialist,” and many more.
In 2001, James earned “Trainer of the Year” at The Sports Club LA and began teaching educational courses to the newly hired professional trainers. He went on to teach the professionals at Equinox Fitness Clubs in South Florida.
James believes that Shin Wellness represents the health care clinic of the future and feels blessed to be a part of the team.
Today, James’ practice of teaching both clients and professionals led him to establish GetFitForBirth.com, a company that provides corrective exercise education for health professionals.
He is also the founder of FitForFreedom.life, which provides corrective exercise, and nutritional and health coaching services in South Florida.