Nutritional Tips For Battling Infertility

Nutritional Tips For Battling Infertility

Infertility problems affect a large number of women, approximately one in 10 (6.1 million) women in the United States ages 15–44, have difficulty becoming pregnant or staying pregnant, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It is crucial to optimize your health as you prepare to become pregnant and nutritional choices play a […]

PEMF For Back Pain

Ice Massage, A New Therapy for Back Pain Relief

Back pain is something you may have experienced yourself at some point and if not, the chances are high that you will, as over 85% of adults do. Only headaches occur more commonly than back pain. Back pain, like any other pain, is your body’s way of communicating that something is not quite right. Back […]

Acupuncture For The Treatment Of Tension Headaches

Acupuncture For The Treatment Of Tension Headaches

Tension headaches are one of the most common types of headaches and unfortunately, millions experience them. Often mild episodes may be treated easily, but for some people, tension headaches occur frequently and greatly impairs their quality of life. There is, however, relief to be found. Acupuncture has been known to provide effective and lasting relief […]

5 Medically Warranted Reasons To Smile More!

5 Medically Warranted Reasons To Smile More!

In the United States alone, we spend billions of dollars every year trying desperately to boost our health. The list is endless and when you combine the cost of supplements, routine health visits, dental checkups, gym memberships, and prescriptions, it all adds up very quickly!. The good news is that there is something that you […]

Mindfulness And Meditation

Mindfulness And Meditation

The terms “meditation” and “mindfulness” are used quite often these days, and quickly are becoming part of our mainstream way of thinking. Once these practices were thought to be for those with much discipline and enlightenment, however, now the practices of meditation and mindfulness are becoming necessary for all to be able to maintain health […]

7 Health Benefits Of Staying Hydrated

7 Health Benefits Of Staying Hydrated

Drinking fluids are important in order to stay healthy and to maintain the function of virtually every system in your body. Including your heart, brain, muscles, digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients, and also helps to maintain body temperature. Fluids carry vital nutrients to all of your cells, flush bacteria from your […]

Reviewing Piriformis Syndrome

Reviewing Piriformis Syndrome

The Piriformis muscle is a pear-shaped muscle in the buttocks that reaches from the base of the spine to the top of the thigh. Just beneath this muscle is the sciatic nerve, which means tightness in this specific muscle can compress the sciatic nerve causing pain (which can be mild to extremely severe) as well […]

Preventing And Treating Muscle Spasms

Preventing And Treating Muscle Spasms

Muscle spasms, also known as muscle cramps can occur when a muscle involuntary and forcibly contracts and cannot relax. Muscle spasms are very common and can affect any muscle. They can involve a part or all of a muscle, or even several muscles in a group. Spasms in skeletal muscles are common and are often […]

Repetitive Motion Disorders And Chiropractic Care

Repetitive Motion Disorders And Chiropractic Care

Certain work responsibilities or activities of daily living can require many of us to execute repeated movements of the hands, wrists, elbows, shoulders, neck, and back. When we repeatedly ask our bodies to achieve certain tasks, the result can often be painful. Over time, these repetitive movements can cause harm and injury to various parts of […]

Chiropractic And A Healthy Nervous System

Chiropractic And A Healthy Nervous System

Everything that we do is determined by our nervous system. It is accountable for the way in which we process our sense of taste, smell, touch, sound, and sight. The body’s actions and the functioning of our organs are also regulated by our nervous system. The nervous system includes the nerves, spine, and brain, it […]