Psychotherapy: The Four Main Approaches
Psychotherapy: The Four Main Approaches There are many misconceptions about psychotherapy, and because of this many people are reluctant to try it. If you don’t

4 Ways That Lack Of Sleep Can Affect The Body
After a sleepless night, it is not uncommon to feel sluggish the next morning, and it’s not just your body that can be tired. Your

5 Medically Warranted Reasons To Smile More!
In the United States alone, we spend billions of dollars every year trying desperately to boost our health. The list is endless and when you

7 Health Benefits Of Staying Hydrated
Drinking fluids are important in order to stay healthy and to maintain the function of virtually every system in your body. Including your heart, brain,

Advantages of Chiropractic Care for Soon To Be Moms
Advantages of Chiropractic Care for Soon To Be Moms Pregnancy can cause a lot of temporary pain and discomfort. There are many changes that happen

5 Reasons To Schedule A Massage Therapy Session
After a long week, it is nothing short of pure luxury to schedule yourself and indulge in a relaxing massage. That feeling as your over-stressed

The Benefits of Massage
The Benefits of Massage We all know how good a well-done massage can feel. But a professional massage should do more than soothe the soul,

What is Spinal Decompression Therapy?
What is Spinal Decompression Therapy? If you suffer from back pain, you already know the effect it can have on every aspect of your life.

How to Teach Your Brain to Prefer Healthy Food
How to Teach Your Brain to Prefer Healthy Food Did you know that you can change the kind of food you prefer, rewiring your brain

Dr. Steve Arculeo Treats Spine Misalignment with the Sigma Ultralign Hi, I’m Dr. Steve Arklay. I’m here with Sigma instruments Ultra line, which I’ll be demonstrating here today. Before I go into the actual

PEMF For Back Pain
Back pain is something you may have experienced yourself at some point and if not, the chances are high that you will, as over 85%

Practice These Tips for Better Posture
Practice These Tips for Better Posture The good news is, it’s never too late to learn how to have better posture and to make a

How to Deal With A Herniated Disc?
How to Deal With A Herniated Disc? The bones (vertebrae) that make up the spine are cushioned with small spongy discs called intervertebral discs. When

Why Hydration is Important For Spinal Health
Hydration is vital for our overall health, but it’s also important for spinal health. After all, your spine requires plenty of water and nutrients to

Acupuncture: How it Works and the Benefits
Acupuncture: How it Works and the Benefits Acupuncture can seem a bit intimidating, especially if you aren’t fond of needles. Most people fear that acupuncture

6 Common Knee Injuries
The knee joint is one of the biggest and most complex joints in the body. It is also one of the most essential joints as

11 Essential Corrective Exercises with Corrective Exercise Specialist James Goodlatte Hey there, I’m James and I’m in the corrective exercise section of Shin Wellness. And in a nutshell held how I’ll describe corrective exercise

4 Great Qualities Of Lavender Oil
Lavender, (Lavandula angustifolia), is simply one of the most versatile of all essential oils. Lavender is also associated with two specific traits: its pleasant fragrance

Benefits of Homeopathy
Homeopathy has become increasingly popular over the years, and for good reason. While homeopathy can seem a bit intimidating at first, there isn’t anything to

Ice Massage, A New Therapy for Back Pain Relief
Ice Massage, A New Therapy for Back Pain Relief What’s the first thing you do after you hit your head on the kitchen cupboard or